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Opening the training course Building Knowledge-Sharing Organization: Self-assessment, visioning and planning

  09:41 16/01/2018
In the morning of 5th December 2016, Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics (HCMA) held a short-term training course on “Building Knowledge-Sharing Organization: Self-assessment, visioning and planning” for all staffs of HCMA.

From World Bank, participants included Mr. Achim Fock, Portfolio & Operations Manager in the World Bank Vietnam; Mr. Robin Van Kippersluis, Senior Knowledge and Learning Officer ofLeadership, Learning and Innovation Team in the World Bank office in Washington and other WB Vietnam staffs. Mr. Robin Van Kippersluis was the senior lecturer in charge of the training course, which lasted 2.5 days at the Academy.

In the meeting with representatives from WB Vietnam, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang, President of HCMA, emphasized that the training course on "Building Knowledge-Sharing Organization: Self-assessment, visioning and planning" is the first step to realize the commitment between leaders of the two parties. This course would provide HCMA staffs with theoretical framework of building knowledge-sharing organization. Moreover, it would be a forum for all staffs to review the working reality and develop action plans in order to become the effective knowledge-sharing organization. Therefore, HCMA could improve the accomplishment of assigned tasks by the Party, the Government and the People.

HCMA and the World Bank Vietnam have achieved good and long-lasting cooperation in many aspects. In June 2016, at the meeting between representatives of the two sides, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Thang and Mr. Achim Fock made a cooperative agreement to realize the vision of making the Academy the knowledge-sharing organization.

In his opening remark, Assoc. Prof, Dr. Nguyen Tat Giap, Vice President of HCMA stressed that the process of knowledge acquisition, exchange and enhancement for staffs is important for the organizations to continuously improve their effectiveness in particular and to enhance the state governance in general. He requested all subordinate departments to pay special attention to apply the theory learnt into practice. It would result in the improvement of working efficiency and human resources quality of the Academy and gradually realize the vision to become the national knowledge-sharing center.

The WB’s Organizational Knowledge Sharing Program included 03 key issues: (i) Application of theory, experiential knowledge and practice into reality of HCMA to promote the working efficiency and the effectiveness of service delivery in the public sector; (ii) Enhancement of knowledge-storage capacity by creating methods of the accumulation and the exchange of knowledge in daily work; (iii) Promotion of the application of initiatives and the spread of their influences at both local and central agencies.

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